If you’re really into the winter aesthetic, some kinds of trees really do evoke a sense of the season. Which one is right for you?
Trees are a great addition to almost any property. They are beautiful, add to the curb appeal of the home, increase property value, help prevent soul erosion, and provide lots of benefits to people, including shade and oxygen. They’re really awesome! But when we think about trees, we usually think about them in all their summer glory. If instead you’re looking for trees that look especially beautiful during the current winter season, this is the list for you!
The Colorado Blue Spruce
When most people think of winter trees, they immediately think of evergreens, so we will start with the only one that made this list. This Colorado blue spruce is the most blue looking of all the blue spruce varieties, so it can hold its own, even in a field of evergreens. It also has a beautiful shape, and it is strong enough to maintain that shape even when it is loaded down with snow. And that contrast of heavy snow on blue-green branches is the beautiful look this tree can give you.
The Coral Bark Maple
Like most deciduous trees on this list, the bark is where it’s at during the winter. This maple variety does not disappoint. During the winter, the branches take on a red tone that looks stunning in a winter garden. If you can plant this beauty somewhere that it will get direct sunlight most of the day with some shade in the afternoon, you will be thanked with an even more vibrant red. As for the rest of the year, this one stays beautiful season after season.
The Tibetan Cherry
This is another specimen that shares it’s beauty all year long. In the spring it will have beautiful small white flowers and in the fall the leaves turn a great mix of red and amber. However, in the winter, you can really see the bark, which is what makes this tree so special. It has a rich mahogany-like bark and it peels at a young age, making it a stunning addition to your winter garden.
The Himalayan Birch
If the first thing that comes to mind at the word Himalayan is pink salt, you will not be disappointed. This beautiful tree has chalk-white branches and trunk and during the winter they develop a creamy look with a pink tinted hue . This tree will be a stellar addition to any winter garden and it is hearty enough to do well in almost any conditions.
Tree Care and Maintenance from Harford Tree
Ready to have the beautiful yard you have always dreamed of? Harford Tree Experts & Landscaping, Inc has been in the business for decades, providing customers with quality work and quick responses all at the right price. We service the areas of Harford County, Baltimore County, Baltimore City areas including Bel Air, Fallston, Perry Hall, Towson, Essex, Parkville, White Marsh and Middle River.
For service during business hours, reach out to us or give us a call at 410-592-7321. We offer 24/7 emergency service as well, just give us a call at 443-250-6649. For updates about our business and more informative tips, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.